
Showing posts from September, 2013

A widget library for large scale displays and immersive environments

An example of widgets rendered to a cube texture In CAVE2, most omegalib applications display a user interface using the 3D menu system. On menus, it is possible to create a variety of standard controls like buttons, sliders, sub-menus etc. Internally, the menu system makes use of the  omegalib widget library,  which is part of  omegaToolkit . This library is designed to support rendering of 2D widgets on large scale, cluster-driven displays. Since we want to support stereo displays, the widget library supports 3D rendering :  Widget containers can draw themselves to arbitrary surfaces in the scene. That's how the menu system 3D mode works, but you can do the same with your own widgets, using the  Container3DSettings  class.  Container output planes can also be attached to scene nodes, using the   Container3DSettings.node    property. For instance, you can attach a 3D mode container to the default camera, to implement a 3D heads-up display. Or you can attach it to a movable o

Omegalib 4.2 released!

This version greatly improves the speed of user-centered stereo tracking in cluster installations. The Equalizer/omegalib interface and rendering code has also been simplified. Porthole is now included as a separate module. The flipbookPlayer module has also been moved from the apps repository to the omegalib core repository. To support multi-view interaction, omegalib 4.2 also introduces ray-based wand event filtering: multiple applications can be controlled using the same wand device. Only the application currently pointed at receives input. Multi-view interaction is implemented in a new module (**mvi**). breaking change:  the  overridePanopticStereo  function has been removed due to its confusing name. The same function can now be controlled by doing  getDisplayConfig.panopticStereoEnabled = True / False Major Changes omega removed obsolete Equalizer statistics output added New statistics display in Console overlay Render passes get sorted by priority added  SceneNod